
Let's Start!

Get More Out of Your Results From

Upload your DNA from

23andMe Ancestry My Heritage

And Gain Deeper Insights on Your

Ancestry Health Traits

Limited Time

$16 $8

Easy Upload

Upload your Raw DNA with just a few buttons. Results within few minutes


Discover your genetic proximity to various populations and identify your closest genetic alignments.


Discover what genes affect your appearance and phenotype


Detailed overview of your genetics, from health-related markers to personal characteristics.


We delete your DNA file instantly after processing and it isn't stored anywhere.


Discover your G25 Coordinates and use it to measure your distances to various populations.


One Time Payment - Lifetime


Full Access

Free Updates

Results within 4 minutes

Secure Payment


Is it safe to upload my DNA file?

It's safe. Your data is automatically deleted after our systems have processed it. We only keep some of the results to display them to you.

How long will the results take?

Results take 3-4 minutes to process and you can track this live. You can view them instantly afterwards.

How do I delete my data?

You can delete your data under the 'delete' tab. If you want your account deleted you can contact us at support@quicktrait.com.

Which companies do you accept a raw DNA file from?

At the moment we only support: 23andMe, Ancestry and MyHeritage.

Contact Us


@2024 - QuickTrait